The Bad Boy Running Podcast

Ep43 - Lowri Morgan on running the Jungle Marathon, 6633 and 333 ultras



In this interview the guys get the chance to talk to one of the coolest, toughest people on the planet. Lowri Morgan is one of only 6 people (ever) to finish the 350 mile non-stop marathon in the Arctic and not only can she survive extreme cold, she can do heat too as she finished in the top 10 on her first ever ultra in the Amazonian jungle.  She has won BAFTAs, jumped out of planes, and she has met the Queen. Her incredible achievements are matched by how down-to-earth she is and this chatty, relaxed podcast is almost the opposite of the BBR way since it is both informative and useful. This is one interview you do not want to miss.  If there is anybody that you would like to hear interviewed on the Podcast then why not suggest it in our Facebook group? Search Bad Boy Running Podcast and request to join! You can also email requests to or follow us on Twitter: Jody is @UltrarunnerJody, David is @DavidHellard and the joint account is @BadBoyRunning1. Lastly, don't forget to subscribe