The Bad Boy Running Podcast

Ep 4 - What are your running goals?



We attempt (and fail) to be semi-serious in this episode of Bad Boy Running as we discuss our running goals... ... while poking fun at David's dating situation. Here's how this episode rolls: David announces major investment due to serious disappointment with last episode’s theme tune Jody ruins the internet with some shocking white boy rapping and chooses the rapper who’ll play him in a film (if he’s still alive…) Jody reveals another gender-confused race kerfuffle and David shares his worst/best ever race position David’s explains the ending to last episode’s late dating cliffhanger and shares his top lesson learnt from spectating at Pride. David regales Jody with his running stag do story which involves a rude awakening for a visiting Italian obstacle race champion David admits feeling a bit lost when it comes to his running goals then suddenly reveals he’s part of a TV show on the BBC which he can’t talk about… before spends 5 minutes talking about it. David lays down a massive goal for running the Marat