Reiki For Healing Your Life

Recognizing Synchronicity: Do you Recognize the Synchronicity within your own life?



Torch Reiki Energy Healing Podcast Reiki for healing your life. This podcast is where I talk all things Reiki, all things energy centered, where I share meditations, talk about my book Just Create! Creating through the Grief Wilderness, and interview Heart Centered Entrepreneurs and Light Workers. My Mission? To support & Empower individuals in maintaining a state of well-being and balance through a holistic practice of Reiki, while recognizing the connection of mind, body, emotions and spirit. What else is possible? Do you recognize the synchronicity within your own life? Some people may not know what the word synchronicity means, and many do not recognize it within their own lives. Synchronicity: the simultaneous occurrence of events which have no clear cause but are deeply meaningful. In this episode, I talk about synchronicity, how to create the awareness of recognizing synchronicity within your life, and 4 examples of synchronicity in your life. Facebook: Torch Reiki Energy Hea