Die Dragon Die - Actual Play Rpg Podcast

Titan's Gift - S01E03 - Part 5



Episode 3 of an actual play dnd/pathfinder homebrew campaign.Silent But Deadly The band sets out in the Slough in search for signs of Zellara's son's passing. They find his trail, leading to the sewers. In the sewers, they find themseslves in the middle of a conflict between "One More", a collective of cranium rats, and garbage-monsters calling themselves the Jotun Heap. The trail leads through the sewers to Picker's Alley where the truly destitute eke out a living picking through the trash from the residents of the Plateau. They meet the Half-Hag of Trashfall, who tells of strange monsters burrowing their way into the slums and seeks help in combating them, in exchange for information on the whereabouts of the Gaedran Lamm. This episode was previously streamed on www.twitch.tv/diedragondie Video available on Youtube at: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBUn3X9TuwXz7WKnZodBLBvAZjUyZvpjI