Cf3: Cult Fans, Films & Finds

030: Tremors (1990) w/ Shelley Pack & Josh Sutherland



FANS: Shelley Pack & Josh Sutherland combined forces to write, produce and direct Chasing Molly (2019), a fish-out-of-water comedy that finds Pack on the run from a drug kingpin played by wrestling’s Kurt Angle. We chat with Shelley & Josh about the process of making a film, wrangling Angle and Felicia Day for supporting roles, and Shelley’s wardrobe decisions! FILMS: Find the nearest rock and listen in as we review Tremors (1990), our first Kevin Bacon flick on CF3. Best lines, Bacon bits, our favorite power couple The Gummers, and the film’s legacy are all unearthed. Shelley & Josh rejoin us in time to give their scores on the Cultfilmometer, and we help them decode their Bacon Numbers! FINDS: One of us watched the Durst/Travolta flick known as The Fanatic (2019), and you’ve gotta hear the verdict! Dames tells us if It Chapter 2 is worth our time and Jeff reveals new The Stand casting news. RIP Carol Linley + Scream Factory BD news.