Podcast Inglês Online

Podcast: Sorry to rain on your parade



What's up? No podcast Inglês Online de hoje eu falo sobre a expressão 'rain on someone's parade', super comum no dia a dia do falante de inglês. Não perca... Transcrição Hi, everyone. How is it going? What's up? How have you been? Today is the day for another episode of the Inglês Online podcast. I'm Ana Luiza and it's been busy... it's been a busy week. We're working on the relaunch of the 'Curso Básico'- the new edition of our Curso Básico. I've also been releasing free video classes, which, if you haven't watched yet... You should head over to the homepage of inglesonline.com.br, insert your email and watch these lessons because they're pretty cool. So, let's focus on the podcast. Today I just wanted to talk a little bit about this really cool expression, I mean... The meaning, you know... it's not that cheerful, but it's a very nice... It's a nice expression, very common and people use it a lot. Again, if you're someone... Like I said in previous episodes, if you are someone who watches a lot of movies
