Wait, What? Politics with Zuma and Steele

The Trump-Russia Gas Conspiracy



When Volodymyr Zelensky was elected Ukraine's President (on a reform platform) it undercut a plan by the Trump and Russia mobs to gain control of the Ukraine state gas company, Naftogaz. Trump's Ukraine meddling is part of this larger effort and—beyond rigging his reelection— it aims to depose Ukraine reformers in the new Ukraine government, the US government, and Naftogaz. The goal: to control Ukraine's state natural gas company and bleed it, like Putin did in the past. Connecting the dots between the Trump scandal and the Guiliani-Furman-Parnev investigation (by DOJ-SDNY) blew our minds. Bring some popcorn... This episode is sponsored by Economic and Human Development Research Associates. Visit them at https://theresourceimperative.com/ --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/waitwhatpolitics/support