Monday Morning Motivator

5 Things That Are Killing Your Sales in 2020



Well, 2020 is upon us and it’s time to start getting better results in your sales.  Here are 5 things you’ve just gotta stop doing in 2020 to watch your sales soar:  Sending generic LinkedIn Messages - If your LinkedIn message can apply to anyone besides the person receiving it, it will get deleted.  Sending generic emails: If your prospects are getting inundated with emails, what makes yours different? Missing the UNIQUE in Unique Value Proposition: What is unique about you? What do you have that your competitors can’t claim they have? Impersonal cold calls: The first step in cold calling is making it warm. You do that by starting a personal conversation with your prospect that they care about. You find out what they care about by researching them first.  It’s an upfront investment that brings more deals later.  Surprising your customer: This happens when you give unqualified presentations. Make sure your customer is qualified for your product and that they can say yes after the presentation. Otherwise, you