Thich Nhat Hanh Dharma Talks

Fresh Opportunities of Abundance



As we continue to send Thay our lovely energy of healing, we look back to a dharma talk he gave on January 26, 2003 from the Dharma Nectar Temple, Lower Hamlet, Plum Village. The sangha is in the middle of the Winter Retreat and the lunar new year is approaching. This short dharma talk (48-minutes) begins with a monastic chant in Vietnamese. The Buddha teaches we should try to make our practice pleasant, joyful, and nourishing. There are several different types of joy. Mindfulness is the key to exploring. How should a practice center be organized? Are we creating the right conditions? The two sentences for the coming lunar year (2003) are part of the practice - All misfortunes entirely away. Fresh Opportunities seen in abundance. - we post these in order to remind us of our practice. We have many opportunities to practice all around us. Can you write down all the opportunities available to you? Mindfulness will help us touch these opportunities. Other kinds of joy. Sangha building. Helping our brothers or