Thich Nhat Hanh Dharma Talks

Our Spiritual Ancestors in Vietnam



November 7, 2013. 93-minute dharma talk given by Thich Nhat Hanh from New Hamlet of Plum Village. We begin with two chants, one French and one Vietnamese, from the monastics. The talk is originally given in Vietnamese and this is an English translation by Sr. Chan Khong.  Just let the dharma talk simply go into our store consciousness. No effort needed. You can be surprised later when the seeds of the dharma sprout.  Noble path. Suffering and happiness are deeply linked.  Waking up this morning, I smile. No judgement. Compassion. Gatha practice. Every second, every minute, every action. Insight can arise from simple practice. Walking. Sitting. Eating.  But it doesn't mean we ignore our suffering.  Story of Vietnamese patriarch - One Concentration. A history lesson on our spiritual ancestors in Vietnam.