Thich Nhat Hanh Dharma Talks

Finding Our True Home Questions and Answers



October 15, 2013. 103-minute dharma talk given by Thich Nhat Hanh from Deer Park Monastery in Escondido, California during the 2013 Nourishing Great Togetherness teaching tour. The sangha is on the 6-day retreat with the theme Finding Our True Home. Today we offer a session of questions and answers. How can I practice to have a connection with my father who has passed away? Also, can you talk about becoming a monastic? How can I stop being obsessed with playing video games? How do I practice compassion for those who are harmful to my family and friends? What is the purpose of doing good and creating happiness if they inter-are with suffering? How do I become more stable and confident in the decisions that I make and not to seek assurances from others? How do I work with having too much energy and a fear of burning myself out? I am fearful of the toxic air we are breathing, especially as it related to chem trails, and I am also angry. What can I do as an activist with these feelings? If I cause someth