
Giants Rebuild Under Way - Conversation w/ Tom McAlister



SportsTalkLine Conversation - Join Host Steven Van Over and Tom McAlister as they look at the rebuild that is undergoing with the New York Giants under GM Gettelman. Eli (not that one) Apple is gone. "Snacks" Harrison is now in Detroit. No player is safe and it's a fair question to ask if Eli (that one) Manning or Odell Beckham Jr. may be next as the front office and owner go all-in on the rebuild. A 1-6 record will do that to you. Robust, straight to the point and with no holds barred host Steven Van Over puts forth the hard questions and gets straight answers from guests who are thoughtful and not afraid to share the wealth. Check back for more conversations from the network. STL Conversation with Tom McAlister SportsTalkLine Podcast Giants Rebuild Underway #TomMcAlister    #NFL     #NewYorkGiants     #StevenVanOver