Fortem Training Podcast

Why I Love Coaching | Episode #9



This episode is all about why we love coaching here at Fortem Training, and why we're hugely, hugely grateful for the opportunity that we have to make a difference to peoples lives on a daily basis. In this episode (First half): - Why coaching is the best job in the world - How as a coach I can change peoples lives - The responsibility I have to care for every single client - Why education is hugely important to my clients' progress Also in this episode (After the break): - How I've been employing gratitude - My development of a growth mindset - What I have implemented from reading/listening to The Chimp Paradox Sink your teeth into this one. A lot of it talks around how I work with clients and the fundamentals to the philosophy which I coach by. Then in the second half I really dig into mindset and some things that I've actively implemented or have seen changes in more recently. Kieran Douglas Jones Head Coach at Fortem Training