Monday Morning Motivator

How to create a DIY 2020 Vision Board on Canva



Happy 2020! I got so many requests for a tutorial on how do I build my beautiful vision board on Canva that I decided to share my screen with you and show you exactly how I did it!  A vision board is a visual representation of your goals, objectives and intentions.  You can call it whatever word works for your mindset, but the purpose is the same: If you don’t define your future, someone else will. So decide what you really want and create a visual vision board to see it every day.   The wonderful thing about vision boards is that as soon as you create an intention, you actually send out vibrations to make it happen. Call it woo-woo, it’s woo that works. I shared my vision board last week and already 3  things are checked off because people saw them on my list and knew they could help! You do not have to know HOW to get to your goal to put it in your vision board. Unlike a professional business, you do not HAVE to have a plan to get there. Sometimes you won’t be able to predict how visions come to reality, bu