I'm Not Drunk, You're Drunk!

Maybe We Are Drunk: Chocolate Chip Losses



Oh man, we packed a lot into a half hour this week. Mariah Carey's son is apparently a technological genius, Lil Kim filed for bankruptcy, and Kenzie rants about Chip Gaines. Then, we made Layla leave, and performed a kick ass slam poem about her. Claudia regales her time in the theatre, and we solidify that Sienna Miller and Kate Bosworth are 100% the same person. STAY TUNED AT THE END FOR SOME CRAZY NEWS ABOUT CLAUDIA'S FAMILY.P.S. A pictorial episode guide can be found on our instagram!Social media:Twitter: @ImNotDrunkYour1 (the incorrect form of your)Instagram: @ImNotDrunkPodcastEmail: ImNotDrunkPodcast@gmail.com