Wake Up Bainbridge

295 | The Council Meeting Recap Show with Sarah Blossom



295 | The Council Meeting Recap Show with former two term council member, Sarah Blossom. Sal DeRosalia, Richard Davis and former Council Member Sarah Blossom review the City Council Business Meeting of 2.25.2020 where fond farewells were said to Matthew Tirman, Bainbridge Island City Council upon his last Council meeting. Proper Fish and Wake Up Bainbridge provided the ceremonial last Fish & Chips for the outgoing member. The featured discussion of LTAC funds availability for workforce housing made smoke come out of Richard's ears but even the former Council Member thought it was a "kubuki" dance to not address the option. We will see if it really shows up on the discussion at the "retreat." Episode 295 is brought to you by Outcome Athletics at The Pavilion and the best personal trainer on Bainbridge, Bethanee Randles.