Developing Mach-21 Airmen

The Air Force Starts Here - Ep 26 - Special Warfare Operator Enlistment Vectoring



On this edition of Air Education and Training Command's professional development podcast, Lt. Col. Joe Lopez, AETC special warfare division chief, and Lt. Col. Heath Kerns, 330th Recruiting Squadron commander, talk about the Special Warfare Operator Enlistment Vectoring program, which will now be the single path of entry for new Airmen to pursue careers in combat control, pararescue, tactical air control party, or special reconnaissance. Lopez and Kerns go in-depth on the objectives of the program, as well as the changes to the accessioning and training pipeline geared to a "scout-develop-recruit" mentality, and ultimately how Airmen get vectored into a specific special warfare Air Force Speciality Code.