The Bad Boy Running Podcast

Ep 217 - "Why All Women's Training is Wrong" - Renee McGregor on the impact of your menstrual cycle on running



“All women need to change their training plans.“ It’s a bold statement, but have you had training sessions that have just gone badly, where you’ve felt like crap and you can’t explain why or had weeks when you feel invincible? It’s likely to be because of when you were in your menstruation cycle. David, Jody and Allie speak to Renee McGregor about how the hormones women produce at different times of their cycle directly affect performance, nutritional needs and even when you should race. We find out why and how to create training plans to match your varying physiology so you can not only train smarter and banish the bad days but also use your cycle to your advantage. This really is a must-listen for all female athletes and all men who want to break the taboo around talking about periods. Enjoy! If you enjoyed this episode please SUBSCRIBE to get every episode delivered to you before everyone else. Join the conversation! If you want to request a guest or chat about this episode with like-minded drunk runners t