Coffee Break French

CBF 3:18 | The perfect and imperfect tenses



We knew you’d be desperate to find out how Katie got on at the Cannes Film Festival with Jérôme, so we’re sticking with Katie’s diary entries this week. In this episode you’ll hear a full account of her evening in Cannes with Jérôme and his parents, and you’ll also hear how things have developed between Katie and Jérôme… In terms of the language covered in this episode, we’ll be taking a look at further examples of direct and indirect object pronouns, more examples of the subjunctive, and lots more. Please note that lesson 18 of Season 3 was originally known as lesson 318 of Coffee Break French. We have renumbered the lessons of each season as lessons 1-40 to make things more simple for our listeners.This season of Coffee Break French features a total of 40 lessons, all of which will be included in the podcast feed. Just stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you’d like to benefit from video versions, lesson notes and bonus audio materials, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break