
Palabras de 2014



In our 186th episode let's welcome to 2015 new year by a count of the words most used and heard in the media during the last year 2014. It is interesting to note how a group of words have been dealt with exhaustively a large volume of time and space in the people´s conversations, newspapers, radios and televisions, the Tweets of internet, and network´s searches, and how they became to form part of our usual language almost without realizing. We are going to get to know these words that the Reyes Magos have brought us as a gift because we have behaved well and have continued practicing, studying and loving our Spanish. En nuestro episodio número 186 (Palabras de 2014) vamos a dar la bienvenida a 2015 haciendo un recuento de las palabras más usadas y oídas en los medios durante el pasado año 2014. Es interesante constatar cómo un grupo de palabras han ocupado de manera exhaustiva un gran volumen de tiempo y espacio en las conversaciones de la gente, en los periódicos, en las radios y televisiones, en los tui