



In our 177th episode (Emigrate or leave your country) Elena, a young girl from Barcelona, is 24 years old and she achieved an employment contract as a researcher in a Boston´s Research Center. So she will leave Spain to go to USA during two years to work and learn there. In the dialog between Elena and her grand-mother we review some other verb “hacer”, uses and meanings that it´s a pending matter for us. This is the 4th episode devoted to different uses of “hacer”. We studied it before in the 172nd, 173d and 174th episodes, and now we are taking it up again in this 177th episode. I know you will like this review. En nuestro episodio nº 177 (Emigrar) Elena, una joven barcelonesa de 24 años, ha logrado un contrato como investigadora en un Centro de Boston. Por ello emigrará a Estados Unidos durante dos años para trabajar y formarse allí. En el diálogo entre Elena y su abuela hemos introducido además bastantes diversas formas del verbo “hacer” (pronominales muchas de ellas) que aún teníamos pendientes. Es és