
2012: El Fin del Mundo



In our 153rd episode (2012:The End of the World) Irene and Rocío talk about the many rumors that have appeared recently in the newspapers and on the Internet about the supposed end of the world in the year in which we are 2012. Their points of view are completely different. Irene believes everything that she reads and is frightened a cause of news of the end of the world. Rocío, however, thinks that all are lies and hoaxes of little objective people. We are going to know their respective points of view. En nuestro episodio número 153 (2012:El Fin del Mundo), Irene y Rocío comentan los numerosos rumores que han aparecido últimamente en la prensa y en Internet sobre el supuesto fin del mundo en el año en el que estamos 2012. Sus puntos de vista son completamente diferentes. Irene cree todo lo que lee y está asustada ante las noticias sobre el fin del mundo. Rocío, por el contrario, piensa que todo son mentiras y patrañas de gente poco objetiva. Vamos a conocer sus respectivos puntos de vista.