
Vacaciones en España



In our 146th episode (Holidays in Spain), James, Spanish and living in Moscow, Nadia, a Russian girl, are dated since a year ago. James went to work at the headquarters of his company in Moscow, and has been there four years, during which he could´nt return to Spain for various reasons, or see his family. Nadia and James are now planning their holidays and they want to go to Spain. James wants to teach her the entire country from north to south and from east to west, but he knows that is not possible, not even half, would go crazy with the rush and see nothing in depth. So they make plans for 10 days, talking about the most attractive areas for both and choosing a route. Hola, queridos amigos, y bienvenidos a español Podcast. Soy Mercedes y estoy hablándoos desde Barcelona. En nuestro episodio número 146 (Vacaciones en España), Jacobo, español y residente en Moscú, y Nadia, rusa, son novios desde hace un año. Jacobo se fue a trabajar a la sede de su empresa en Moscú, y lleva allí cuatro años, durante los que