
Cena familiar



In our 121ft episode, Paco´s mother told her husband about the Pilar´s proposal. After many, many doubts, tensions and some tears Paco´s father accepted to assist to the family dinner. The crucial night is finally come. The appointmen is at 9 o´clock in La Perla restaurant. In that moment many hearts beat really fast: the Pilar, Jorge, Paco, his parents,…ones. The only one that seems to be in calm is Nacho, the younger brother. Let´s go to the restaurant to see how presentations and diner are going, dinner really important to dispel sadness of Paco and to make easier the relationship between Paco and his parents. This episode is based in the story sent to us by Nicholas, a friend of Spanishpodcast who has imagined the Jorge´s and Paco´s story continuation, our two characters of many episodes. You can check his text in our Blog. En nuestro episodio nº 121, la madre de Paco ha hablado con su marido. Después de muchos días de dudas, tensiones y algunas lágrimas, el padre también ha accedido a asistir a esta cen