
Elixir de la eterna juventud



In our 88th episode (Elixir de la eterna juventud) we will talk about the red wine. Do you take some wine with your meals?, what do you drink to go along your lunch? In Spain, one important part of people use to take wine with their main meal of the day, even when they take a set menu on working days, in a restaurant close to their home. Since few years a serie of researches have been studying the beneficial properties of red wine on the general health and specifically on the heart health benefits. If you drink moderately, one or two wineglasses, you could prolong considerably your life and you could being in good shape over the years. En nuestro episodio número 88 (Elixir de la eterna juventud) vamos a hablar sobre el vino tinto. ¿Tú tomas vino en tus comidas?, ¿qué sueles beber para acompañar tus platos? En España, una parte importante de la población suele tomar vino con la comida o con la cena, incluso cuando toma el menú del día los días de trabajo, en el restaurante del barrio. Desde hace años, se habl