
Dile que la quiero



Hello ando welcome to Spanishpodcast. In our 68th episode (“Dile que la quiero”) we are studying third person´s personal pronouns in both cases: when it subsitues a Direct Object and when it substitues an Indirect Object, so we are talkig about “lo”, “la” and “le” that they are just one big headache to Spanish as a Second Language students. We are giving you a couple of tricks that let you easy to differentiate when you have to use this one or that one and we are checking up this topic helping us with a spanish song that it is full of personal pronouns. Hola amigos y bienvenidos a un nuevo episodio de Español Podcast. En nuestro episodio nº 68: “Dile que la quiero”, estudiamos los pronombres personales de tercera persona del singular, tanto cuando sustituyen a un Objeto Directo como cuando sustituyen a un Objeto Indirecto, es decir, los pronombres “lo”, “la” y “le” que tantos quebraderos de cabeza os provocan a los estudiantes de Español Segunda Lengua. Os damos dos trucos definitivos para que aprendáis a di