
¿Qué crisis?



In our 61th episode our five friends talk about the economic crisis that involves the whole world. Their analysis explains the causes of spanish crisis: the bursting of the housing market bubble, the oil and cereals price rise, an increase of inflation (a rise up tendency on price levels), money laundering or bravery in building business. Our friends talk about the politicians attitude to refuse to speak plainly and to mention the word “crisis”and they talk about the effects of crisis on current people. We show a few ways to participate in a conversation or in a discussion and how to use the subjunctive mode to express a reaction in view of many situations. En nuestro episodio nº 61 nuestras cinco amigas hablan sobre la crisis económica que afecta al mundo. Analizan las causas de la crisis económica española: el pinchazo de la burbuja inmobiliaria, la subida de los precios del petróleo y de los cereales, el aumento de la inflación, el blanqueo de dinero, los pagos ilegales a responsables de adjudicar constru