



In our special episode about tongue twister we define what is it and we explain it characteristics in spanish language as a words play that contains a lot of phonetic resemblances. Tongue twister are difficult to pronounce because it must be told aloud, quickly, clearly and not wrong. You can find in this episode many tongue twister with a difficult graduated, since easier to more difficult. You can find too the most classic and well-known spanish tongue twister selection in order you can come near to this interesting wonder of the oral literature and you can know another fun and amazing linguistic spanish topic: the "trabalenguas". En nuestro episodio especial sobre "trabalenguas", se define y se explica qué es un trabalenguas en español, en tanto que juego de palabras que contienen muchas similitudes fonéticas. Ello hace que sean difíciles de pronunciar, sobre todo porque los trabalenguas se dicen en voz alta, deprisa, con claridad y, a ser posible, sin equivocarse. En este episodio encontrarás muchos trab