
Tengo que ir al médico



Yolanda dosen´t feel well, she feels dizzy, she has a fever, she has her nose blocked and she has a runny nose, she coughs and she shivers. She has to go to the doctor to know what´s the matter and to know what to do for feeling well herself . Yolanda goes to consult to the doctor and she explains him their symptoms. There is an only diagnosis: she has a very important flu. The doctor recommends her medicines and advices in order to she can recover herself and she can go back to the diary life. Yolanda no se encuentra bien, está mareada, tiene un poco de fiebre, tiene la nariz tapada, tos y escalofríos. Tiene que ir al médico para saber qué le pasa y adoptar las medidas oportunas para volver a encontrarse bien. Va a la consulta de su médico de cabecera y le explica sus síntomas. El diagnóstico es seguro: tiene la gripe. El doctor le hace las recomendaciones oportunas para que pueda curarse y volver a la vida normal.