The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

082: Historical Holiness: How Religious Orders Illumine the Path to Perfection



Yes, some look like Jedi hippies. Yes, their giant rosaries look like medieval weapons. Yes, many haven't worn socks in a very long time. But they're the real deal. About whom am I talking? Catholics with a religious vocation. You know...monks, nuns, and such. And while most of us aren't called to their life, we should pay very close attention to them. Why? Because they can show laity the pursuit of holiness in its essential contours. In other words, they can show us the way to heaven. So in order to get inside the life and mind of the "religious" and see what we can learn, I brought Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P. onto the program. As you'll see, he's an extremely sharp guy and explains the deeper things very clearly. Among other things, we discuss: What are the "evangelical counsels" and how we can live them A fascinating (and brief) history of religious life (perfect for converts and those who need to brush up on their history a little:) What it means to have a truly intentional life How the religious model of life