The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

047: The Secret Back Door Out of Purgatory Nobody Talks About



If I was to ask you the quickest way out of purgatory, or even perhaps the quickest way into heaven, what would you say? "Be a saint." Good. But what should we do when we fall short? What about when we sin? The book I mention in the podcast. "Get to confession," you reply. Excellent. But then what? Is there a way to make up for what we've done? A way to remedy the damage that we've caused the Body of Christ now, so that we don't suffer later? Absolutely. It's almsgiving. Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you to start giving alms. I'm going to tell you why you're nuts if you don't. Trust me. You want to hear this. Because we're going to: Discuss why you want to spend as little time in purgatory as possible (hint: it hurts...a lot!) Show how Scripture describes sin in terms of a debt to be paid Demonstrate the incredible revolution with regard to payment for sin that occurred in the Old Testament between the time of King David and Daniel Examine Scripture passages that demonstrate the concept of purgatory and