The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

044: Why You Should Thank A Dominican Right Now



Ever met someone who can trace their lineage back to some famous people? My dad's family had an ancestor on the Mayflower. My in-laws brag they're related to Stonewall Jackson. I recently discovered one of my relatives actually translated the spiritual masterpiece The Imitation of Christ a few hundred years ago. Family lines are very important and interesting. While not tied through bloodlines, there's a Catholic family that can trace it's lineage for 800 years...the Dominicans. And the offspring of the great St. Dominic has had an unbelievable impact on the Catholic faith. Just think of all the towering Dominican figures in our history: St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Catherine of Siena, and St. Rose of Lima, among others. In this episode of the Art of Catholic I'm joined by Br. Tim Danaher O.P., to talk a little about the history and impact of this amazing order. Among other things we'll discuss: The heresy that led to the founding of the Dominicans Why Dominicans are called "Hounds of the Lord" and "Black Friars"