Recitation Of Holy Quran With Urdu Translation

65. Sura at-Talaq with Urdu Translation



Sura 65. at-Talaq (Divorce): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. O Prophet! (Say to the Muslims:) ‘When you seek to divorce your women, divorce them during their period of purity and count their prescribed period. And keep fearing Allah, Who is your Lord. And do not drive them out of their homes nor should they leave unless they commit open indecency. And these are Allah’s (fixed) limits. And whoever transgresses Allah’s limits has surely wronged his own soul. (O man,) you do not know that perhaps Allah may develop a new situation (to turn you back to her after divorce). 2. Then when they reach closer to (the end of) their appointed term, retain them with kindness or separate from them with kindness. And take two just persons from among you as witnesses and establish testimony for the sake of Allah. This is an advice for him alone who believes in Allah and the Last Day. And whoever fears Allah He makes a way out for him (from pain and grief of this world and the Hereafter), 3. A