Hawaii Real Estate Investing News with Da Real Estate Braddahs

Ep. 19 - October 2019 - Da Real Estate Braddahs



Topics:Market Stats | Plethora of News and commentary| Live Q&AYoutube - https://youtu.be/2TmEIGHuoqMPDF deck - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iBPzjWLaQMxyY0K-ip4KjJbHN6B_uoXz/view?usp=sharingLinks - http://reialoha.com/2019-10/Hawaii's only passive investor club:https://www.meetup.com/REI808-Passive-Real-Estate-Investing-for-the-Working-Class/https://www.facebook.com/groups/SPCHUI808/Here is a sample video of a past meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-WOd6EUpqk&t=18sBookmark our shared vendor list:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8mwpKEL4l5RckZSbkxEY0dPVm8?usp=sharingIf you would like to be notified of our monthly meetings text "aloha" to 314-665-1767. Once you sign up we will send you a secret link to access our google drive of analysis spreadsheets and resources. SimplePassiveCashflow.com is for working professionals who are looking for diversification and better returns outside of traditional investments such as mutual funds and stocks. We help the hard-working midd