Wake Up Bainbridge

The Case For Indoor Climbing Gyms During COVID with Michele Lang of Insight Climbing & Movement



The Case For Indoor Climbing Gyms During COVID with Michele Lang of Insight Climbing & Movement Michele Lang helps lead the newly formed Washington Indoor Climbing Coalition during tough times. WICC is a group of 23 indoor climbing facilities requesting that the Governor's office consider climbing gyms as a separate industry then fitness facilities, and create separate guidelines for their reopening and continued operations. wiccoalition.org 360-453-7551 SUPPORT LOCAL INDEPENDENT NEWS DONATE: https://venmo.com/wakeupbainbridge ADVERTISE: http://www.wakeupbainbridge.com/contact/ Please support our goal of keeping you AS WOKE AS POSSIBLE by making a donation to help keep our virtual news room's lights on.   And see our friends at: Mo-Minski Team at Charter Real Estate for your home selling and buying needs.Millstream Bainbridge for your special gift-giving needs even if the person you are buying the gift for is YOU!Proper Fish because it is some of the best in the country.