After Freedom Podcast

Lyle McDonald - The OG fitness professional opens up



Today Lyle McDonald makes a return to the podcast as we take a deeper look into the life that is Lyle. 00:04 - Has much changed in Lyle's life being a natural introvert during this COVID-19 pandemic? 00:46 - Does Lyle find that someone who produces a lot of content have similar introvert style personalities / Where do creators find the time to post so much content? 01:46 - Lyle's work routine consists of large bursts of motivation with extended periods of laziness as a content creator. 03:32 - Why does Lyle go through different phases in terms of motivation to write / produce content followed by periods of doing nothing? 09:09 - Writing one book or piece of content every so often is enough for Lyle to live a happy life and focus on what he enjoys most. 10:20 - Lyle shares his insight on his recent women's book sales numbers / Why Lyle doesn't enjoy writing 'mass-market' books. 14:05 - Why Lyle decided to self-publish his books instead of outsourcing a 'real' or mainstream publisher / The downsides to