After Freedom Podcast

Coronavirus & Cryptocurrency with Benoit Lapierre



Benoit Lapierre Ph.D. is an expert in his own category. Benoit specializes in the neurobiological sciences to help bring IFBB bodybuilders and other elite athletes into peak condition by honing in on their psyche. Benoit’s functional medicine approach not only considers neuroscience but also an integrated understanding of endocrinology, nutrition, and pharmacology for an overall result that showcases some of the best athletes on the planet. Today we dive deep on the recent COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and cryptocurrency. Timestamps: 00:04 - Benoit's general opinion of the current COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic 06:31 - Discussing the matter of 'the richer get richer, and the poor get poor' terminology and essential vs non-essential businesses 09:51 - The problem with cryptocurrency and how it opens up new security issues compared to normal currencies 13:22 - Humans aren't using the scientific method as the best gauge of making a decision regarding the coronavirus 15:40 - We live in a world where socia