From The Bottom Of The Record Box

Inez Hargaden with her gentle vibes and high priest of the Venezeulan dance floor Daniel Grau



James Holt and Inez Hargaden are your spotlight artistes this week. Multi-intrumentalist James Holt transcends to Indie-pop greatness with his newest single release Little Green Light. This song has clearly everything it needs to break James Holt into the higher echelons of music makers. In quite stark contrast to James Holt's toe tapping track is the gentle sounds of Inez Hargaden. Inez's bell like clarity vocal delivery with plaintive guitar melodies is reminiscent of faraway singer/songwriter tunes. However, there's a newness and fresh breeze running right the way through her song. Moving on through the show despite Tobin's hangover, we meet Winston Surfshirt. This causes a sense of disagreement in the studio as the two boys try to reach some common ground. Agreed the title of the band is epic, but the vocals at least cause some division. It's New Music so there's a saving grace that Richard may warm to Winston Surfshirt in future. Dillon is our bookend artist for this week and opens with the classic tune