From The Bottom Of The Record Box

Mac DeMarco – Canadian jizz jazz



Would you please help us improve the show by voting for your favourite track from this episode?Salad DaysThe FearBack to GeorgiaGoin' Where The Monon Crosses The Yellow DogSunday CandyJaguar and the ThunderbirdNobodyVote now! Welcome to the show notes. We will discover two tracks from Canadian muso Mac DeMarco (actual birth name Vernor Winfield MacBriare Smith IV). It's a Wax Time Special from Richard where he has dug deep into his own personal vinyl collection. Richard has come up with 3 belters, or 2 belters and µ-Ziq depending on your opinion. We've got a brilliant Listener Suggestion from Fraser in Bolton, UK. Word on the street is that Fraser's going to be featured on the show again in a couple of weeks. This is as a result of the quality of the suggestions he made. He also added a short summation to each track. Thanks Fraser, it's loyalty to the show like yours that keeps us going back into the studio for more. To be quite frank there's a distinct lack of double bass and banjo in today's musical landsca