

How are you planning your success for 2016? Today, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale share one of their best strategies— a list of lists. They examine what possible lists you need to create in order to level-up in your sales career. • Do you know which relationships are most helpful to you?  • Have you thought through who you know (or who you want to know) that will make you and your sales life even better? In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan assemble some of the lists they use to keep improving their game. Some will sound familiar and some will be brand new to you. We’re excited to hear your lists too. If you haven’t already, join our LinkedIn Group to participate more in the conversation. Send all your sales questions to and we might feature it on the show. --------------------------------------------- Want a comprehensive training solution? Visit for access to "ALL IN" a three hour train