
Will a New Opioid Drug Just Add to the Opioid Crisis?



The FDA recently approved a new form of the opioid drug sufentanil, an opioid that has been around for a while in IV (intravenous) form. However, won't this just add to the already hard-to-fight opioid crisis??  Public Citizen, a nonprofit based out of Maryland, weighed in on this and we're talking about their position. Show note links: To review the Public Citizen's press stance on the FDA's decision, click here. Email: talk@overprescribedpodcast.com Twitter: @_overprescribed Enjoying the show?  Support our Patreon page. Got side effects? Report them to the FDA today.  They are limited in what they can do and how quickly they can act to help protect Americans from harmful adverse drug reactions without your reporting and you can report suspected & confirmed adverse drug reactions. Call 1-800-332-1088 or report online at www.fda.gov/medwatch NOTE: The podcast will be shifting to monthly episodes until further notice.  Our next episode will be available in December 2018.