
The Reckless Medicating of U.S. Foster Care Children



Are U.S. kids in foster care being mis-medicated with psychiatric medications?   Show note links: "Many foster kids were drugged without oversight: report" by Nicole Karlis "The U.S. has a long history of drugging distressed kids in its custody" by Erin Schumaker Children's Rights is a child welfare non-profit organization based out of New York and you can read the foster care statistics they've compiled here. Contact your local and state politicians to find out what can be done to ensure foster care children in your state are not being mis-medicated, particularly as it pertains to psychiatric/psychotropic/anti-psychiatric medications. ---------- Email: talk@overprescribedpodcast.com Twitter: @_overprescribed Enjoying the show?  Support our Patreon page. Your small donation would help to support production! Got side effects? Report them to the FDA today!  They are limited in what they can do and how quickly they can act to help protect Americans from harmful adverse drug reactions without these reports.  Repo