
A Pharmacist Perspective on Pharmacogenetics w/Dr. Saeed Alzghari



We're resurrecting the topic of pharmacogenetics to gather a pharmacist's perspective on what it means and why it's relevant (and going to grow in relevance!) for patients in every part of America. If you listened to episode #3 "What is Pharmacogenetics?" then you will definitely want to tune in to this one. Show note links: Our guest today is Dr. Saeed Alzghari. Saeed Alzghari, MS, MBA, PharmD, BCPS (www.saeedalzghari.com) is the Director of Clinical Pharmacy at Gulfstream Diagnostics (www.gulfdiagnostics.com), a company at the forefront of toxicology and pharmacogenetics.  Saeed knows pharmacy and describes himself as a collaborative pharmacist advancing patient care with strong expertise in clinical and translational research. He's also an active member of the Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC).  His pharmacogenetic focus is in organizing and optimizing complex drug regimens, building relationships with patients and physicians on how to approach personalized therapies, and leading a