Bros Watch Pll Too - A Pretty Little Liars Podcast

s07e10 “The DArkest Knight”



Recapping Season 7, Episode 10 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria makes a nice Welcome Home dinner for Ezra, and then watches as he reunites and makes out with suddenly-alive Nicole on national TV, Hanna has gone rogue with an awful plan that involves violently holding Noel Kahn hostage for a simple DNA test, Emily has Paige and Ali all up on her jock in the middle of the usual season finale A crises, and after Paige accuses Ali of manipulating Emily’s emotions, Ali uses a surprise pregnancy to manipulate Emily’s emotions—also, you may have heard she beheaded a guy, and finally Spencer is saying goodbye to old Toblerone with an inappropriate kiss request, letting Detective Marco scam on her with Toby’s moves, and finding out who her real mom is, after getting shot and bleeding to death in another nightmare abandoned terror house. And then at the end everyone dies. Especially Toby. …Noel might still be OK, just put some ice on it.