Embracing Disruption

008 Aaron Swartz, 30C3, Interview with architect Jean Pierre Trou



This is Episode 8 of Embracing Disruption. In this episode we remember Aaron Swartz on the one year anniversary of his death, I introduce checking out two important videos from 30C3, the german based hacker conference, and I interview architect Jean Pierre Trou, co-owner of Runa Workshop. We discuss technology in the field of architecture. Runa Workshop (link to office pictures) http://runaworkshop.com/portfolio/runa-workshop-office (link to Stem) http://runaworkshop.com/portfolio/stem EFF - Remembering Aaron https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/01/remembering-aaron Chaos Communication Congress - 2013 Videos http://media.ccc.de/browse/congress/2013/ You can find more information about the project Embracing Disruption at embracingdisruption.com . About the podcast: Embracing Disruption started as a kickstarted funded, open-source manifesto about the cloud, disruptive technology, and internet freedom. The manifesto was co-authored byNathan Toups and Brad Carleton. This podcast grew out of the desire to cont