Training & Coaching Lifestyle with John Spencer Ellis

Sales Training: How to Enter the Mind of Your Prospect



  It's important to understand the internal dialog of your prospect so you can effectively communicate with them. You must show and feel empathy. You must use language that lets them know they are heard and understood. You cannot interject your language if it is not congruent with their reality. Pacing verbal communication strongly influences the depth of rapport you establish with another person Pacing volume is also a useful tactic. Someone who speaks softly will appreciate someone else who speaks softly. Likewise someone who speaks loudly will often have more respect for you and will recognize a kindred spirit if you match their volume. As a matter of fact , on occasion you might even want to exceed the others’ volume to get them to speak more softly. By giving somebody a reflection of themselves and even exaggerating that reflection somewhat you can often cause them to modify their behavior. Some people find that they can control others by going out of control, they exploit the predictable behavior of tho