Change Your Energy, Change Your Life With Panache Desai

025: 3 Compassionate Practices for Dealing With Difficult People



What if the energy around the relationships and people that challenge you most could be transformed into pure compassion and acceptance? Those people in your life that trigger you, whether it’s your neighbor that plays loud music or a political figure you can’t stand to watch, all have something to teach you. The people who challenge you most are helping you grow. It’s time to build a bridge to peace that doesn’t crumble just because another person chooses to act a certain way. In this episode, discover how you can: ●      Transform your resistance into acceptance and take back your power and connection to your authentic Self... ●      Let go of how you think people should be and accept them as they are... ●      Align with greater empathy and hold a space of love in the midst of whatever is arising... Change the way you perceive “difficult” people and watch life become a constant stream of teachers and compassion instead of discord and judgment.