Mamafuel: The Podcast

EP041: Hannah Hardy-Jones on post-natal mental illness, celebrating wellness and new beginnings



Hannah Hardy-Jones could be a stranger in a far-off land, but instead she's a brand new soul sister. Our digital paths crossed somewhere on the interwebs a few months ago and a gentle conversation began, quickly deepening as we discovered shared values and interests.  Our first conversation, recorded to share with you, felt more like one in a long string of conversations than a simple beginning. I'm deeply moved by Hannah and touched by her openness about her experiences with post-natal bi-polar disorder.  Hannah's generous sharing about her life-altering experience and how she manages it now invites us all to look closely at preconceptions or stigmas we may hold about mental illness. We move from trauma in the community (Hannah lives just outside Christchurch and we recorded this conversation a week after the horrific massacre of innocent Muslims in their places of worship), to the importance of sisterhood and support, especially in times of illness, and finally to Hannah's newest baby: an offering that's