Mamafuel: The Podcast

EP008: Judy Okten on the power of kindness in the face of real fear



Judy Okten is a dear friend, an entrepreneur and mama to two precious girls. A year ago Judy and her husband heard what no parent ever wants to hear: their littlest daughter had an aggressive and rare childhood cancer. Their family and friends pulled together, fueled by sweet Lily's energy and positivity. The love they receive & share with us all takes my breath away. Judy and her family are positive and strong. Through it all she's kept growing her business daily, while being at Lily's side all the time. She is truly amazing, and I know you'll love her too. Curious about Judy's amazing business? Here's where you can find her: Web:  Instagram:  Facebook:  And if you'd like to see a video of our conversation, you can watch it here on The Centered Mama Project's YouTube channel: