Wake Up Bainbridge

216 - Cynthia Bellas Write-In candidate for the Central Ward City Council. 



Episode 216 - Cynthia Bellas Write-In candidate for the Central Ward City Council.  We asked the Write-In candidate if she wished she had started running earlier. What does affordable housing mean to her? Is she literally "no growth" and what would it mean to be a swing vote on the Council. She differentiated herself from her opposition saying current Councilmember LeslieschneiderbainbridgeIslandcitycouncil wasn't elected but appointed and that her other opponent Grayson Wildsmith for City Council was just far too young and inexperienced. We sliced and diced her platform in a very, very lively Wake Up Bainbridge interview with the returning Road Warrior Sal DeRosalia and new member of the family, Rue. We also broke some news that Derek Villanueva has officially filed as a write-incandidate for the Parks Commissioner position held by controversial Tom Swolgaard currently being opposed by former journalist Rachel Pritchett. Episode 216 is brought to you Storyville Coffee Company and their Roastery at the